O God, One and Three, that from your throne of mercy turn your gaze upon us, and who called them to follow Francis II of Bourbon, electing him King on earth, shaping his life at the same Kingship of Jesus Christ crucified and risen , instilling in her heart feelings of love and patience, humility and meekness, peace and forgiveness, clothes him of the virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity, receive our prayer and help us to walk in his footsteps and to live the virtues .
Glorify, please, on earth, as we believe it is already glorified in heaven, and we grant that to her prayer, we can receive the graces we need. Amen.
Our Father
Hail Mary
In accordance with the decrees of Pope Urban VIII, we declare that nothing is meant to prevent the judgment of ecclesiastical authority, and that this prayer has no purpose of public worship.